The Retreat | 在城市绿洲放归五感
For most of us, the root cause of sub-health can be traced to the unbalanced lifestyle, which includes the environment, diet, poor work and sleep habits, and lack of exercise.
These subtle problems that happened to our body are often difficult to solve through modern technology or medical treatment. Therefore, more and more people are beginning to realize the importance of keeping a good rhythm of life. With the aid of meditation, mindfulness, sonic healing, etc., it’s time to make a move and restore your own Trinity - your body, mind, and spirit.
Dispel your woe
at the spotless place
The Sukhothai Shanghai is a classic creation of the Chinese architecture studio Neri&Hu.
The theme of oasis inside the city is no stranger to Neri&Hu. Located in the Jing’an District, the Sukhothai Shanghai crafted a sanctuary from the fast-paced city and industrial jungle of steel and concrete.
The ZUK Bar 花园露台
Stepping into the Sukhothai Shanghai is like entering another parallel space, where the tranquility will flood your senses, creating a journey of reborn that rejuvenates your spirit while stretches your body.
位于酒店LG1层的The Retreat水疗馆的设计同样来自如恩设计工作室。
The Retreat Spa room, located on the LG1 floor, is also designed by Neri&Hu.
在此静谧之处,佛教中的典型意象“镜花水月”转化为一滴内嵌莲花的水珠,成为The Retreat水疗馆的标志。
The typical Buddhist image of the “flowers reflected on a mirror and the moon reflected in the water” transformed into a drop of water with a lotus flower embedded in it, becoming the symbol of this tranquil place.
In Buddhist culture, the lotus seeds are produced when it blooms, as it symbolized the hope and perseverance of new born. While the drop of pure water represents the nature and the rhythm of life, providing calm and peace to the surroundings.
The Retreat水疗馆设有1间配有浴缸的私密套房、1间双人护理套房和3间标准护理室,能够为不同需求的宾客提供舒适的水疗体验空间。
The Retreat Spa has one suite with bathtub, one double nursing suite and three standard nursing rooms, offering a comfortable spa experience for guests with various needs.
The Retreat features health care treatments from Southeast Asia, providing multiple treatment service including sleep well, deep-cleansing with seashells, traditional massage, massage with Tai herb, heating-care with stone of Himalayas and so on.
During the treatment, our wellness experts will customize the experience for the guests, and our skilled therapists will select the appropriate essential oil, combining with massage techniques for different part of the body, guiding the guests into a comfortable journey of tranquility.
延展疗愈的理念,The Retreat联合Natural Bissé打造了全新护理房间——天窓,在园中建起的整个房间状如球形,仿若世外空间。
The Retreat, joined by Natural Bissé, created a brand new room to expand the concept of healing, “the Skylight”, a hideaway from the world which was built in a garden in a shape of a sphere.
The Retreat x Natural Bissé 天窓
这种深度茧式设计,可适合多种不同的护理和养生项目体验。这一空间的出现是为呼应The Retreat推出的“活氧空间·奢享自然”概念。
The deep cocooning design can adapt to many different treatment and wellness program experience. The space was created to reflect the concept of “Oxygen in space, Luxury in nature”.
The Retreat期望邀请客人走出樊笼,踏入世外星球,体验身体、心神和环境三体合一的呵护,在真正的出尘之地,提炼奢享自然的新奥义。
The Retreat invites guests to step out of their cages and welcomes them to a new world, to experience a treatment of their body and mind while refine the new meaning of enjoying the nature in the place that is truly free from dust.
Relax your body
for a multi-sensory experience
Nowadays, the concept of healing has gained many ground as people are eager to interpret their body’s reaction through a multi-sensory experience. Study shows that the human sense of smell can recognize up to one trillion odors.
The odors are the tool for human to identify information and the carrier for memory and experience.
The traditional Thai massage is aided by warm packets made from natural herbs.
The herbs packet contains ginger, lemongrass, Kaffir Lime, tamarind, turmeric, and cinnamon. And it smells refreshing with a little hint of spiciness when heated, providing a strong Thai flavor.
通过一场The Retreat的泰式古法按摩,在弥漫着舒缓香气的房间中,如同穿越至泰国小憩,让我们暂排苦思,身心沉静。
Come and enjoy a traditional Thai massage at the Retreat. Immerse yourself in a room filled with aroma as if you have traveled to Thailand just for a nap. Free yourself from bitter thoughts and calm your body and mind.
Plant extracts are widely used in physiotherapy, and it’s quite effective.
2022年,The Retreat联合澳洲托斯马尼亚品牌Bridestowe的经典护理“甜梦之旅”获得SpaChina中国养生与水疗-最富吸引力养生水疗大奖。
In 2022, The Retreat and Bridestowe, a brand from Tasmania, Australia, won the SpaChina Most Attractive Spa Award for its classic treatment “Sleep well”.
The Retreat水疗馆护理曾荣获多项大奖
This treatment is designed to meet the client’s body conditions and needs, and essential oils with concentrated active plant extracts will be used during the Ayurveda massage.
This treatment is effective in relieving stress caused by tension, and in doing so, improves the quality of sleep of the guests.
Sound, likewise, is the source that sparks the resonance of the soul.
Each person resonate differently with the Singing Bowl as everyone is built different.
The Retreat的独家音疗,通过敲击不同大小与厚度的颂钵,发出带给客人各种体验的悠然声音;通过强弱不同的击打力度,吸引客人暂时避开尘世的繁杂与喧嚣,放空一切思维,专注自我,以声音连接身心与宇宙。
The Retreat presents the exclusive sound therapy. Hitting Singing Bowls of different sizes and thickness will bring the guests different sounds, while hitting with different forces will also help clear the guests mind from all the noise.
This healing program was awarded “Body and Soul Treatment of the Year” at the SpaChina Wellness & Spa Awards.
The interior of the body could feel the vibrations of the sound and resonating with them at a certain degree.
The Retreat通过铜锣浴的理疗方法,为客人重焕活力。
Through the gong bath sound healing, the Retreat could rejuvenates the guests.
Each gong corresponds to different organs frequency of the body, in order to achieve the affect of massage through sound.
Different hit produces different resonance effects, which can balance the body’s magnetic energy field. This will better help the guests enter deep sleep and relax their minds.
除了放松身心的Spa护理,在The Retreat也能够享受到顶级的运动体验。
In addition to the spa treatment, our guests will also be able to enjoy a top-notch sports experience at The Retreat.
水疗馆拥有面积达198平方米的全天候开放的健身中心,并配备来自知名品牌Life Fitness、功能齐全的健身设施。
The spa room has a 198-square-meter fitness center that opens 24/7, with fitness facilities from the well-known brand Life Fitness.
The Retreat另设一个25米长的室内恒温游泳池,以及相应的桑拿房和蒸汽浴室,方便客人在畅快的水中运动后及时恢复。
You will also find a 25-meter indoor heated swimming pool, with sauna and steam room for our guests to recover after the workout in water.
Besides that, the spa room also offers exercise therapy programs under the guidance of professional coaches, including yoga and Pilates.
It's amazing how the body connects with us. The body fatigue feels like a signal that reminds us if we have gone too far and forgotten ourselves.
Making a stop sometimes could mean a better start. Visit a quite place in the hustle and bustle of the city, slow down your pace and let your senses take control, isn’t that a opening to a new journey?
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内容策划 / 潇潇
翻译 / Jason Zhang
新媒体执行 / shuzhen
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